Chieftess, Maker of Fate, Book 1

A book review by Elliot Jackman


Independent Author / Publisher

This is a fantasy story that starts out with two sisters that are growing up in what seems like a paradise island nation.

Their situation quickly devolves when a bomb is set off during a meeting of the area chiefs and their mother is killed. Their father, Kerric, who had his magic powers subdued because of his relationship with his now deceased wife, leaves the island to find out who is responsible for the bombing.

During this time, Leilana, one of the daughters, being next in line for the Chieftess is made queen. She soon finds out that her sister is not really happy about her being in power and is conspiring to do something about it.

The Imperial Mages of another nation have powerful magic, and report directly to the Emperor of the Empire nation that is responsible for the bombing of the meeting. The person whom the bomb was meant actually survived, causing a bit of a predicament for the Emperor. I won’t say who it is, so as not to spoil the story.

Leilana actually does well with the people as queen. She also befriends one of the island angels, Suriel, and is asked to raise a child which was born to his now deceased daughter. Leilana takes on this responsibility and is rewarded with magic abilities that are far superior for a person of her age.

During the story, there is hints that a big problem is brewing with Neflihim and Necromancers that were thought to be land locked on a far away content seem to be showing up on occasion. Not much happens with this situation during the story though, except for a few cameo appearances.

There is talk of a prophecy as well as an Oracle that makes predictions about Suriel. At the end of the book, the Imperium is brought up and hints about the Alluran race are mentioned a few more times. All in all, I felt like this novel was a build-up to another novel. While I enjoyed the story, it seemed to end in a whirlpool of turmoil that I wish had been finalized in this book. I couldn’t help but feel that this story was a great length novel that was split into two books.

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Print Length: 234 pages

ISBN:  978-1386080435

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