Hide in Time

A book review by Elliot Jackman


Independent Author / Publisher

This is a great story that is half about the relationship between two women that start of as a matchmaker (Laura) and client (Xandra) that eventually develop a great friendship. The other half is about lost love and misunderstandings that ruined Laura’s relationship with a man she was deeply in love with. The story is set in England.

The story starts in modern times and chronicles Laura’s work as a match-maker agent that puts people together based on their personalities. She soon becomes good friends with one of her clients, Xandra. Xandra sometimes talks about how it would have been better to have been born earlier, as things were simpler and less complicated then. It turns out that Xandra is also quite good a Jitsu and has a few run ins with criminals.

The story explains how Laura was planning to marry, but believe that her husband to be was a liar and a philanderer. She sailed on a ship to go to America in 1814, however, the ship is wrecked and Laura manages to get to shore. But when she gets here, she finds that it is almost 200 years in the future.

Much of the happenings I the story seem a little random, but I soon found out that Laura has some plans in mind. After meeting Xandra, who managed to get herself in the crosshairs of a criminal organization, she thinks of having Xandra take her place back in 1814 where she left her old life.

Turns out that she found out how to travel back to almost the exact time, but nobody can see her. It appears that you can only travel in time once, returning makes it so that you pretty much a ghost.

The story is fairly light and most everyone in Laura’s circle is kind and understanding. There is only one person that knows Laura is from the past, Matt, who happens to live in the same house that Laura grew up on 200 years earlier.

I enjoyed the story and was always interested to find out what was going to happen next. There are a couple of things that threw me though. In a flashback, when Laura came on shore after the shipwreck, Matt was there and took pity on her. A guy that happens to live in her old house? There is also no explanation about how Laura finds out how to travel back to her old time. I’m thinking that may have been in a chapter that hit the editing room floor? Even so, I would read more stories by the author, as I liked the way the story is written and how she made me care about the characters.

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